Last updated: September 12, 2024
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What's the Difference between The Vermont Nonresidential vs. Homestead Tax?
In Vermont, all property is levied an education property tax to pay for Vermont's school systems.
Property is categorized as either nonresidential or homestead.
The property tax rate imposed upon nonresidential property is different from homestead property.
Property can be claimed as Homestead under these conditions:
The owner is a resident of Vermont.
The owner uses the property as their main residence as of April 1st of the taxation year.
Property is considered Nonresidential if any of these apply:
The property is not the owner's primary residence.
The property is a rental for more than 182 days of the year.
The property is used exclusively for a commercial business.
How is the CLA Used in Tax Rate Calculation?
Actual (final) tax rates are determined by dividing the tax rate by the Common Level of Apprasial (CLA).
For example, residents of Addison would receive a tax bill with a tax rate of 2.8838.
Calculation: 2.0865 ÷ .7235 = 2.8838
Non-resident Addison property owners would pay based on a final tax rate of 2.6573.
Calculation: 1.9226 ÷ .7235 = 2.6573
The final tax rate is applied per $100 of property value.
2025 Vermont Property Tax Rates
Table is searchable, sortable, and can be scrolled to view all towns
Town | Common Level of Appraisal |
Homestead Tax Rate |
Nonhomestead Tax Rate |
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2025 Vermont Common Level of Appraisal Map
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