Map of 2024 New Hampshire Property Tax Rates

Last updated: July 5, 2024


In New Hampshire, the real estate tax levied on a property is calculated by multiplying the assessed value of the property by the real estate tax rate of its location.

For example, the personal owners of a house in Concord valued at 100,000 dollars would have a higher tax bill than the owners of a home with the same value in Manchester, NH. This variance is the result of Manchester's lower tax ratio.

This map may very soon include a comparison of each New Hampshire's town's tax to the quality of life in its school district. Most districts with the best schools do not have the lowest taxes, but in most cases, they have the best teachers. Hard to explain. A list of NH assessors databases is another feature in the works.

New Hampshire income taxes become even more interesting when you consider the median (or average) household income dollars for each NH town.

A New Hampshire property tax calculator may be added soon, we are still working with the property lawyers on getting this right! The assessors are always looming nearby. Please also keep your eye our for our instructions on how to best calculate your tax credit.

Another idea we are researching is listing the best high schools in New Hampshire. Please let us know if this will be useful to you. All feedback is greatly appreciated!

Assessor phone numbers are another item we are eager to include for you. The database of names is now complete, so we intend to add those numbers, along with snail mail addresses, for those of you who prefer that method of communication.

Are you searching for the cheapest tax rates in New Hampshire? We are too, the data above tries to display the best rates for home buyers and mortgage loans in the state.

Every town is different. School taxes vary by the status of a town. Is it a "donor town" (ugh!) For those residents, we hope not!

New Hampshire Property Tax Rates

2025 Total
Tax Rates


2024 New Hampshire Property Taxes

Property Tax Rates were sourced from the New Hampshire State Treasury

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